Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Halloween tutorial

Jenni from Jen's Simple Tuts has made a tutorial
using my Ghost Town freebie kit
She did a great job!
Thank you so much Jenny, I love it, its soo cute!
You can find the tutorial HERE
and the kit HERE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Tut- Summer Breeze

I got a new tag and incredimail letter from my friend Tabata from
I just love the yellow in this tag!
Thank you so much for making it for me Tabata!!♥
she also used my Tropical Paradise kit
which you can purchase at any of my stores or my blog.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My friend Kell made this cutie patootie tag for me!!
I just love the tube she used and the animation is awesome!
Thank you Kelli♥
You can view the tutorial HERE
By the way, there is translators on these portuguese blogs LOL
You can purchase this kit HERE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New tut- Tropical Sea

whoo! take a look at this tag made by Doro from
Doro Alves Criacoes
she did a great job with this kit..
Thank you for my tag Doro!
Great job!
you can find the tuto HERE

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Tut- Sunny Babe

Sunny Babe by Rocio from
Bau das Tag & Tuts
I love what she did with my new kit
Tropical Paradise, you can find it HERE
thank you Rocio! ♥

You can find the tutorial HERE
Thank you Rocio!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I got this award from Seven from
thank you very much Seven!♥

Here are the guidelines for accepting the award:
1 - Display the prize.
2 - Link to the Blog from whom you received it.
3 - Nominate 7 or more blogs.
4 - Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they have received it.

Here it goes:
1. Emma-
3. Fiona-
4. Melissa-
5. Alma-
6. Rocio-

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 Tutorials by Kell

Two more great tutorials by Kell Garcia
I love Kelli's work, she is great. She used my 2 latest kits:
Miss Independent and Morning Colors
You can find these tutorials in her site:
KELL TUTORIAIS and my kits any of the stores I sell at.
The links are on the right. Thank you Kell :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Whoo-hoo my friend DEEP
from DEEP DESIGNZ made this hot tag for me!
she used my "My Love" scrap kit
you can find the tutorial HERE

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tutorial by Rocio

Take a look at this cool tag made by my friend Rocio!
She used my latest kit Miss Independent tagger kit.
You can find the tutorial HERE
Gracias amiga!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Enchanted Forest Tut

Whoo-hoo! I got a new tag and tut!
this gorgeous tag was made by Naughty Angel
using my Enchanted Forest kit
I love the tube used for this tag
Thank you so much I love it!
You can view the tutorial at
Naughtys Tut Playground